School Yard Rap and Big Picture Anthems partnered to create an all inclusive music video about
Black inventors. The upbeat anthem is from the first ever Black History Album, “Ourstory” by Griot B. “Black Made That,” brings to life inventions created by Black American trailblazers that shaped the fabric of our country. The video is part of S.T.E.A.M. the Streets, an initiative to inspire underrepresented youth to pursue STEM/STEAM career paths.
Featuring more than 400 students from New Bedford Massachusetts and Richmond, California, this cross continent project seeks to engage, uplift and inform all U.S. students about the rich history of Black Inventors.
Ben Gilbarg, the video’s director, and founder of Big Picture Anthems, shares his insight on why this video is important: “Youth listen to music and watch music videos constantly. Utilizing this relevant form of education certainly engages youth, and exposes them to the amazing contributions of Black people over time. Teaching a legacy of excellence helps them internalize that they too can become inventors, engineers and anything they put their mind to.”
As part of the S.T.E.A.M. after-school engagement program, fifth grade students at Carney Academy in New Bedford became stars of the production by performing a choreographed dance, and acting in the video. Karen Treadup, principal of Carney Academy states: “Our students were really engaged in the making of this video by Mr. Gilbarg and his staff. The students now feel ownership for the message that their future has unlimited possibilities.”
The writer and performer of “Black Made That,” Brandon ‘Griot B” Brown, serves as the president of the curriculum company School Yard Rap. He reached out to local high schools, elementary schools, and youth groups of Richmond California so students could be the emphasis of the STEM/STEAM inspired song. The song itself seeks to teach about Black made innovations with lyrics such as, “Wake up hit the switch, whole room light up / notice that filament all in the light bulb / wrinkled shirt, ironing board, use that nice huh / dry cleaned jeans. Nice touch.”
The video for “Black Made That” is available to view on the School Yard Rap channel on YouTube and Big Picture Anthems’ Facebook page. The first ever Black History Album, “Ourstory” by Griot B, is available for streaming or download on all streaming services.
“Black Made That,” will now become an integral part of S.T.E.A.M. the Streets school assemblies that use video, music, and relevant presentation to expose students to the vast career opportunities in Science Technology Engineering Art and Math.
For press inquiries, or to book school assemblies, video screenings, or performances contact: Brandon Brown – President, School Yard Rap 323-283-1481 Ben Gilbarg-Executive Producer, Big Picture Anthems 508-965-1132